

Jeu - Version Anglais - Retail
40€00 Prix ferme - Occasion (juste déballé) - Anglais

Elders say that our world is a fruit of the sacred uluk tree. No humans have ever stepped on this magical land, and you are the leaders of its hunter-gatherer tribes of sentient animals, collecting food, developing inventions, and erecting monuments in honor of the ancient gods to fulfill their spiritual needs. The winner in this competition will ensure happiness and well-being for their tribe members, and he or she will be praised as the arch leader of all the tribes!

The goal of the game is to have the most Happiness Points at the end of the sixth round (season). There are several different ways to score points, but the most important activity in the game is to send your tribe members (called here "tribers") to various spaces on the main board and take actions corresponding to them.

Modifiée le 26/02/24

Localisation et livraison

Etterbeek (1040)
Mondial Relay
7,90 €
Retours non acceptés


Voir la fiche de Uluk


Etterbeek (1040)
Dernière connexion : Il y a 37 jours
Membre depuis mars 2022

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Boutique Titre Prix
Uluk 56€95

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