Soulbound - Bestiary
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Soulbound - Bestiary

2 à 4 joueurs
Cubicle Seven Entertainment


The Mortal Realms are filled with countless strange creatures and monstrous beasts. The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulbound Bestiary provides a vast collection of these great and terrible foes to use in your Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound adventures, and gives GMs advice on how best to build exciting encounters with these monstrous and maniacal foes.

The Soulbound Bestiary contains :
Over 180 terrifying new foes to use in your Soulbound campaign, including some of the most iconic creatures from Warhammer Age of Sigmar — from the reality-warping Tzeentchian Lord of Change, to the merciless Knight of Shrouds, to the awe-inspiring Kraken-eater Mega-Gargant.
Gamemaster advice on building exciting and memorable encounters, and how to use Doom to give an extra edge to these conflicts.
Detailed descriptions of each creature and faction, including advice on using them in your game, their tactics in combat, and rumours reflecting what the people of the Mortal Realms know of them, some of which may be less than reliable!

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