Bomber: A Game Of Daylight Bombing Of Europe, 1943-1944
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Bomber: A Game Of Daylight Bombing Of Europe, 1943-1944



Bomber recreates, in game form, the most decisive air battles fought over Europe during World War II. The period covered, from the middle of 1943 to early 1944, was the time when the issue was in doubt—when the United States Army Air Force and the German Luftwaffe matched their strengths in the daylight skies over occupied Europe. The game covers the major plane types used in the actual battles, and all the key elements of the actual events. Although based on history, the side that wins a game is not predetermined, and games will not necessarily follow the historical course of events. The players take command at certain points in time, and their actions and decisions will determine the results of each game.

Bomber is basically a two-player game, although multiple subordinate commanders can be used on both sides. Information is provided in these rules for setting up a number of different situations, or “scenarios,” to provide a great variety of games that can be played using the same rules.

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