Tournament Fishing: The Deck Building Game
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Tournament Fishing: The Deck Building Game

1 à 4 joueurs
Greg Mahler
The Game Crafter, TGG Games
Issu d'une campagne Kickstarter


Participez à un tournois de pêche en mode deck building. Un jeu pour 1 à 4 joueurs.

Tournament Fishing is a card game that involves memory, luck, and strategy. Each participating Angler will compete on a common Lake, attempting to catch the biggest and best fish before the Tournament ends.

Since the Fish are hidden in the Lake, Anglers will need to locate and recall their positions from turn to turn in order to have the best chance to catch them, although they might get lucky and attract them unaware as well!

Face off against fellow friends and family in a 2-4 Angler game, or have a go at it alone (or in a 2-Angler Co-op!) against the challenging Angler AI. Never before has it been so fun to go fishing from the comfort of your own home!

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