Relic Knights - Prefect Veronica Limited Edition
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Relic Knights - Prefect Veronica Limited Edition

Soda Pop Miniatures


All Jakob ever wanted was to fulfill his family’s wishes and become a powerful Doctrine Codifier. A son who would bring continued honor to their esteemed name. Everything seemed to be going to plan when he gained admission to the prestigious Catermane Academy. Then he met Valeria and Veronica, polar opposites in everything they do. Valeria lusts for action, adventure and the easy way out, while Veronica, with practiced calm, remains serious minded and studious. Despite their differing personalities, the two best friends are united in their shared infatuation of Jakob. Unfortunately, neither has ever been particularly good at sharing. Their constant attempts to win his attention and affection invariably lead them from bad situation to worse. It is to the faculty’s great relief when their antics lead them off planet. At least then the academy will be spared yet another cleanup bill. In truth, it is remarkable that the trio manage to learn magic at all.

This blister includes a complete model for the limited edition Doctrine prefect, Veronica. Veronica is a 32mm 'heroic' scale, high quality, metal cast miniature. The kit includes a 30mm premium round base. Model is supplied unpainted. Assembly required.

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