Sur iPhone, cette fonctionnalité est encore expérimentale.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The semi-co-operative game The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Game is based on the 1974 movie of the same name, and the plot of the game follows that storyline. You and your friends have run out of gas on the side of the highway and need to find help. You need to search for keys and gas by using actions to flip tokens, and once those items have been found you need to get back to the van in order to escape. Leatherface will chase the players throughout the map, and if he catches a player, he takes them to the Killing Room. Once there, the player has three turns to attempt escape before Leatherface eliminates the player.
Voir plus...Evolution des prix
Cette fonctionnalité est actuellement expérimentale et réservée aux membres VIP.
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