Bag Of Dungeon
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Bag Of Dungeon

1 à 4 joueurs
Tim Sharville
Gunpowder Studios

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18 utilisateurs le cherchent
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2 annonces

Jeu + Extension d'occasion (état excellent)
Vendu par fatmax66 (100%)
Perpignan (66000)
Mondial Relay

je vend le 1 et le 2 , le 2 est neuf (cellophane enlevé seulement)

Jeu neuf (sous cello.)
Vendu par Arcadia54 PRO (100%)
Nancy (54000)
Colissimo - Mondial Relay

Bag of Dungeon is a dungeon crawling tile-based game harking back to the good old deadly days of exploring dungeons, slaying monsters and stealing treasure. It's a simple-to-play tabletop game where 1-4 players send a party of adventurers into the ever-changing catacombs in a quest to find the Ring of Creation before escaping with their lives and their loot.

But can you trust your fellow adventurers? To begin with, you are all loyal to the quest and each other. But once the Ring is discovered it will cast a shadow of doubt and deceit over those who seek to steal it. You may decide that being a lone wolf is a far smarter choice than loyalty, even if it means the death of your former companions.

You will meet monsters, find treasure and use items to stay alive and escape with the Ring before the dungeon seals itself shut, imprisoning for all eternity anyone who remains.

The game has a simple but clever mechanic; great for young and/or new gamers to learn fast and take part while still giving more experienced gamers a satisfying time at the table. The game takes 20-60 minutes and changes every time you play.

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