Orc Must Die - Boss Pack
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Orc Must Die - Boss Pack

Robot Entertainment


The Boss Pack contains:

Fire Lord (enemy of the Order) - A gigantic elemental who can "shoot" heroes from a distance, making him a knottier puzzle than usual to defend against.

Veyetality, Cyclops Mage (enemy of the Order) - A healer, who actually resurrects dead enemies - pulling their skulls right out of your skull pool, bringing enemies back to life, and forcing you to kill them again!

Swiftyhooves (enemy of the Unchained) - The Satyr King, who defends other Satyrs, and herds them towards your poor helpless Rift.

The Earth Lord (enemy of the Unchained) - Who he is "killed" he shatters into smaller pieces, then repeats the process. You have to kill 7 different enemies to eliminate all of him!

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